in - store events
After starting our in-store series in autumn 2022, we followed up with 11 concerts in 2023. It’s been quite special with most events bringing together both new visitors and regulars. Many of the in-stores ended up as two (or three) performances spread over 2 days to fill the demand. Also some events were connected to exhibition openings, which became almost like mini-residencies.
These artists played at mi - so this year : Cisser Mæhl, Frank Bretschneider, Ansgar Wilken, Simon Goff, Francesco Donadello, Thor Harris, Mich L., F.S.Blumm, Erik K Skodvin, Alex Kozobolis, Roméo Poirier & Tim Tetzner. We´re looking forward to continuing in 2024. Thanks to all artists involved, to our regulars as well as newfound visitors for making this possible.
art exhibitions
February 2023 saw Monique´s debut exhibition “re-covered”, which was based around the Sonic Pieces material and artwork, come to an end. After that, Daniel Castrejón of the Umor Rex label took the trip all the way from Mexico City to bring the collages for his exhibition “Vanishing / Axis”. We had a full opening weekend for this with Frank Bretschneider (who recently released on Umor Rex) performing twice. Our next exhibition saw its opening in July and was connected to the new Sonic Pieces release “Nothing left but silence” by Erik K Skodvin and showcased some of Erik’s photographs as risoprinted versions. This also marked the start of our new venture into art books, and “Nothing left but silence” ended up being an expanded release, featuring a record, an exhibition and art book - all furthering the world built around the music. Our last exhibition of the year comes from visual artist and writer Tim Tetzner, known amongst others for being the graphic designer for Jan Jelinek´s “Faitiche” label. “Affordance and Feedback Withdrawal” is the name of the exhibition that gathers a mixture of analogue / digital drawings inspired by punk and hardcore 7inches. Some of these works plus additional collages are also shown in the 2nd issue of our art book series. The works are still to be seen in our shop until early February 2024.
Sonic Pieces 2023
Cisser Mæhl - Innemuseum (PATTERN012 LP)
Erik K Skodvin - Nothing left but silence (SP034 LP/CD)
Erik K Skodvin - Nothing left but silence (mi - so editions 01 / art book)
Tim Tetzner - A slow painful read (mi - so editions 02 / art book)
Miasmah 2023
The Pitch & J. Reidy - Neutral Star (LP)
Svarte Greiner - Devolving Trust (2023 LP issue)
Mondkopf - Spring Stories (2023 LP issue)
sum up
2023 was an intense year for us with a lot of work and new challenges. Monique started mi - so editions, a new art book series, which has now come into full fruition with several future books already in the works. The two upcoming Sonic Pieces releases (2024) have been long in the making, and with the addition of two art books have kept Monique and her hands busy like never before. Erik used most of the year composing music for film with two soundtrack jobs that overlapped without break. He also finally got back to playing live and performed 5 solo concerts in Berlin alone this year. With monthly in-store events and four exhibitions throughout the year on top of our regular work, it could seem overwhelming at times. We´re still very grateful for all the possibilities and for running our little shop on top of the record labels and music work. It’s been very rewarding. For a breath of fresh air in-between the shop and work we also for the first time managed a part of a vegetable garden at the peripheries of Berlin which was great fun. A big thank you to all our supporters, shop regulars and listeners! /Monique & Erik
Erik performing. photo by Udo Siegfriedt
Erik´s 2023 highlights :
Hosting some very memorable in-store events at our store and seeing the community grow around our shop. Traveling to the beautiful island of Menorca. Performing in a remote church in the middle of the Czech forest. Taking the train to Budapest with Aaron Moore to play UH fest. Working on the soundtrack to some very special film projects which will be released in 2024. Releasing “Nothing left but silence” (Sonic Pieces) together with an art book and exhibition. Gardening in our vegetable garden.
Musical highlights :
Facs - Still life in decay (Trouble in mind)
Mike Majkowski - Coast (Fragments edition)
Islaja - Angel Tape (Other power)
Razen - Hier l’an 4000 (Hands in the dark)
James Devane - Beauty Is Useless (Umeboshi)
Monique contemplating and/or annoyed
Monique´s 2023 highlights :
Ayumi Paul - The Singing Project
@ Gropius Bau, Berlin
Alain Biltereyst - AS IF IT WERE
@ drj art projects, Berlin
We are living in a deluded world -
Interview with Dr Iain McGilchrist for UnHerd
Forsthaus Strelitz