“Personalmente veo los discos como álbumes de fotos, documentos que te ubican en el tiempo, tanto a nivel emocional como geográfico. Imagino que es una exploración personal que narra un viaje.
(Google translate) I personally see the albums as photo albums, documents that place you in time, both emotionally and geographically. I imagine it is a personal exploration that narrates a trip. ”
Read full interview with Rauelsson about his new album "Mirall", taken from spanish newspaper Mediterràneo
“As both a cellist and a composer, my constant search is for integrity, in performing the work of others and shining its true essence, or integrity in truthfully and sincerely writing music that is inside me”
Read full interview with Clarice about her new album "For this from that will be filled" (Miasmah) over at 15 questions
“For me the importance of that album personally had to do with me being able to go out of the area where I felt most comfortable and push myself to do something different, in terms of how the music sounds, the recording processes and also dealing with the idea of collaboration.”
Read an interview with Mats Erlandsson about his thoughts on music, the Stockholm scene, his collaboration with Yair Elazar Glotman and more. Taken from Stray Landings